The Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS® (GAAR) is proud to take part in the 30th Annual Run for the Zoo...and walk with us too! - the largest running event in New Mexico and fundraiser organized by the New Mexico BioPark Society to support the ABQ BioPark Zoo.
Every year 'Team GAAR' provides over 200 volunteers to help make this amazing event a success, and we need YOUR help to continue this important tradition in 2015.
This year's race will be held on Sunday, May 3, 2015. There will be an expected 12,000 people at the event that will run, walk, and even skip! As you can imagine, dealing with this many people is a huge effort and your support is greatly needed.
Volunteers are needed for a variety of services, such as handing out flyers, providing directions at intersections, and ensuring the safety of race participants. All 'Team GAAR' volunteers will receive a Run for the Zoo volunteer t-shirt, which allows you FREE entry into the zoo on the day of the event. Volunteers will also receive a Run for the Zoo volunteer swag bag and be entered for a chance to win valuable prizes.
Complete and submit your Run for the Zoo Volunteer Form no later than April 1, 2015. Children, family, friends, and colleagues - everyone is welcome to volunteer!
Want to help but can't join us on race day? No worries! Here are some ways you can help 'Team GAAR' support this effort without breaking a sweat:
- 'Race Cart' Sponsor: Donate a $25 Visa Gift Card or more and your company's logo will be displayed on an official race cart. The race carts are used to transport water and snacks to volunteers stationed throughout the race.
- 'Swag Bag' Sponsor: Display your company's logo/name on any products that you provide for the gift bags of each 'Team GAAR' volunteer. This gives you an opportunity to let our REALTOR® members know who you are! Items needed for the gift bags are; lip balm, sunscreen, energy drinks, etc.
Submit all DONATIONS to Dana Earl (505-724-3477, dearl@gaar.com) at the REALTOR® Building (1635 University Blvd NE) no later than April 16th.
If you have any questions or ideas on how to help, please contact the GAAR Run for the Zoo Chair, Helen Jackson (505-610-6960, helen@theqrealty.com), or Co-Chair, Lorri Zumwalt (505-400-3699, lorri@theqrealty.com).
Special thanks to the 2014 Run for the Zoo Volunteers for your remarkable support and efforts! (View the 2014 Run for the Zoo Photo Gallery)