Jeff’s Number Crunch: Single-Family Home Sales (Year-to-Date)
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This article compares the Year-to-Date single-family home sales from 2008 and 2009. Although this information is included in our Annual reports, this article is a “sneak peek” of sales in out market from January 1 to August 31.
Definitions of Terms
YTD Sales – The MLS data included in this article are for single-family detached homes that were reported sold in SWMLS areas from January 1 through August 31, 2008 and 2009.
Average Sale Price– This is a standard calculation that takes the total volume of sales prices and divides it by the number of sales, in a given range.
Price Change % - This calculation is the percent change in the Average Sale Price from the previous year to the present year. A positive change means that the current average is greater than the previous year's average.
Summary and analysis of the data
Overall, the average sale price of single-family homes that sold in the SWMLS market areas is down 8.47% when compared to the previous year’s sales prices. Rio Rancho areas (140-162) showed the smallest decrease at -1.60%.
The YTD number of home sales in the SWMLS market areas is down 16.22% from 2008, with Rio Rancho areas showing the lowest decrease of -8.27%.
As of August 31, 2009, there were three MLS areas that exceeded the previous year’s sales:
1. Area 71 – Southeast Heights (increase of 7.50 %)
2. Area 701 – West Los Lunas (increase of 19.35 %)
3. Area 720 – East Los Lunas, Tome, Valencia (increase of 300 %*.) *The increase for Area 720 was from a total of one sale to four sales, which explains the high percentage change.
There were 12 MLS areas that showed an increase in the average sale prices from the previous year:
Bernalillo County Areas (Albuquerque, Tijeras, Cedar Crest)
1. Area 60 – Four Hills (increase of 1.21 %)
Sandoval County Areas (Corrales, Rio Rancho, Placitas)
2. Area 151 – Rio Rancho Mid-North (up 3.21 %)
3. Area 152 – Rio Rancho North (up 2.99 %)
4. Area 160 – Rio Rancho Central (up 6.21 %)
Torrance County Areas (Edgewood, Moriarty, Estancia, McIntosh, Willard, Mountainair)
5. Area 230 – South of I-40 (increased 2.34 %)
6. Area 250 - Northeast Edgewood (increased 2.86 %)
7. Area 291 – South Moriarty (increased 41.3 %)
8. Area 292 – Estancia, McIntosh, Willard (increased 108.18 %)
Valencia County Areas (Los Lunas, Belen, Peralta, Los Chavez, Jarales, Bosque, Adelino, Meadowlake)
9. Area 711 – East Los Lunas, Tome, Valencia (up 17.16 %)
10. Area 720 – Meadowlake, El Cerro Mission (up 137.7 %)
11. Area 730 – West Belen (up 31.54 %)
12. Area 742 – Jarales, Bosque (up 32.68 %)
How can this same report be duplicated in the MLS system?
To duplicate this report, use the criteria included below and click on the 'Statistics' button instead of clicking 'Search'. On the statistics screen, select the report called Market Statistics Report by Area.