(2 min read)
Danielle Clemens of Logic Real Estate was a 2015 GAAR Good Neighbor Award Recipients for her work with LifeQuest USA, a charity that helps mentor at-risk youth in detention centers and when they get out to help provide them with the job and life-skills training they need.
LifeQuest USA Inc. is a 501c3 Public Charity, non-profit ministry to high-risk adjudicated youth in the juvenile justice system. This includes youth on probation, in detention and on parole. Secondary to this population, we will work with any youth that could be considered “at-risk”. This could include, but is not limited to, youth that are in the protective custody system (foster care).
LifeQuest, working with the local church, provides mentoring relationships to youth in the juvenile justice system to help them become productive citizens and fully-devoted followers of Christ.
At the heart of all that we do is the relationship between our youth and their mentor. All other tools revolve around this hub. In order to initiate a relationship between one of our mentors and a youth, we are contstantly offering experiences that serve as “hooks”, catching their attention and peaking their interest. Some examples of these “hooks” are: Weekly Bible Studies, Camp Day B.R.E.A.K. (Being Responsible Educated Alert Kids) , Painting and Drawing classes and Cook-outs
Once the relationship is established and in order to effectively support the mentor and further equip the youth, we offer classes such as Basic LifeSkills and Pre-apprenticeship in the trades and finally, for those youth that have shown that they are F.A.T. (Faithful, Available, and Teachable) over a period of time, we continue to support them with Employment Services.
If you or someone you know would like to follow Danielle' example and mentor at-risk youth, please contact LifeQuest USA at 505-341-9383.
You can also learn more about LifeQuest USA by visiting their website, LifeQuestUSA.org.