Proceeds from sponsorship opportunities are donated to The REALTOR® Fund of the Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS®. This sustainable trust fund managed by the Albuquerque Community Foundation allows us to disburse over $60,000 each year to local charities.
By establishing this endowment fund, REALTORS® demonstrate their ongoing pledge to honor their responsibilities to the community and to express gratitude for a successful real estate industry.
At the Annual Meeting held December 5th, checks for $15,000 were presented to each of the following non-profit organizations:
- APS Title 1 Homeless Project
- Boys and Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico
- New Mexico Kids Matter
- Senior Citizens Law Office
Thank you for your generous support!
To view available 2019 Sponsor Opportunities, CLICK HERE.
Sponsorship questions? Contact Laura A. at 505-842-1433 or sponsor@gaar.com.