7 ways to grab attention in today’s ‘I’m-too-busy-to-listen-to-you’ world

A while back, I was able to talk with Sam Horn, an expert on getting and keeping attention. She quoted Eleanor Cliff stating a profound truth in today’s hotly-competitive world: “We’re all in a race to be relevant.”

Sam Horn’s book, "Got Your Attention?" cites several ways you can be relevant and grab attention today. 

7 ways to get attention

Getting attention and being relevant to important people is vital for relationship marketing to work. Here are some tips to grab attention in today’s “I’m too busy to listen to you” world:

1. Develop these two traits

You need both a pleasant demeanor and valuable expertise to get others to pay attention. If you have valuable expertise and are difficult to get along with, you’ll only get business when customers have no one else available. At the first chance, people will leave the obnoxious expert if they find another source that can fulfill at least most of their needs. You also need to have more than just a great smile and handshake. You have to have expertise that buyers value. Become the Go To person in your niche. Keep polishing both these areas continually.

2. Think 3-D gifts

If you have someone you want to connect with in a big way, send something that can’t be sent over the internet. Gifts that are tailored to the person are the best. Think about sending something they will want to keep in their office or that is very useful (food items come in mind here). Use your imagination and get an ideal gift that fits your unique outcome.

3. Ask questions

Questions drive conversations and get interest. As you ask intelligent and contextually relevant questions, people will pay more attention to you.

4. Tell an emotional story

This is particularly helpful in public speaking and social media. Have stories that help people relate to you and what you’re doing.

5. Add value

This can be done on social media when someone makes a comment. If someone renders a comment or suggestion, you can add some additional helpful information. On YouTube, if you see a comment on the notes below the video, you might add something that helps further the discussion.

6. Plan for being consistent

It takes time and effort, but is critical. Seeing the most recent post dated a few years ago is a credibility killer. Make it your mission to consistently provide solid, usable value to your niche.

7. Make yourself indispensable

Find ways to help and provide so much value that customers wouldn’t think of operating without you. This takes work. Find their areas of need and exceed their expectations. This will help keep you top of mind for your customers. You will have —- and retain —- their attention.

A part of that work is to get the attention of important people. This is the initial step in beginning the customer journey to find you and begin that relationship. Click here to read the full article.