Collecting Backpacks for Unhoused Students

With July upon us and a new school year approaching, the GAP Committee is calling on you to help collect new backpacks for students without a permanent home.

The Title 1 Homeless Project has requested 1,000 backpacks for elementary, middle, and high school students for the upcoming school year. 

The Title 1 Project provides basic services to children whose families are experiencing homelessness, donating backpacks is one way we can help keep these students in school. APS Title 1 estimates there are 2,000 students enrolled in APS without a permanent place to live.

Children in the program may:
  • Live in transitional or emergency shelters
  • Live in motels, cars, abandoned buildings, or other inadequate accommodations
  • Are "doubled up" (two or more families in the same household)
  • Are runaways or youth rendered homeless by their parents
    Every $10 buys 2 backpacks. No cash or school supplies, please!  
    Donate by Friday, August 2nd

    Ways You Can Help
  1.  Donate online: Login to GAAR Member Portal > Upcoming Events > 2024 Backpack Drive
  2.  Drop off new backpacks at the GAAR Building by Friday, August 2nd
  3.  Drop off donations (payable to GAAR with Title 1 Backpack Drive in the Memo). No cash please!
  4.  Mail donations to GAAR, 1635 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM  87102

If you would like to set-up a collection box at your office,  download  one of the signs below. 

8.5 x 11 Sign  (Letter)                                     11 x 17 Sign (Tabloid)

Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) Title I Homeless Project provides homeless students with both basic services as well as the education that is necessary to avoid poverty as adults.  Local businesses and organizations volunteer in countless ways including collection drives to supply much-needed hygiene products, snacks, backpacks, and other items needed.  Click for more on APS Title I Homeless Project.

A Path to Stability: Education for Every Child