The City Council voted 6-2 to adopt the updated ABC Comp Plan on Monday, March 20.
The project team would like to thank everyone who attended the hearing, provided written comments, came to meetings, asked questions at community events, invited the team to your meetings, reviewed the document, learned more online, or simply talked to others about the Plan and its potential to keeping Albuquerque a unique and beautiful place to live, even as we grow over the next 20 years.
The project team will now turn to creating the final adopted version of the document, including the adopted Floor Amendments: A-Q.
- Council Greenline Draft
- Floor Amendments Packet & Overview (updated March 17 at 3:50 p.m.)
- Staff responses to written comments as of March 17, 2017
Click here to read the Greenline draft
The next stage of the ABC-Z Project is the continued review and approval process for the Integrated Developent Ordinance (IDO). Click here to view the IDO draft.
Advocate for the smart development of ABQ-BERNCO.
Attend the next ABC-Z Project Event:
IDO: EPC Public Hearing #1 - April 6
Thursday, April 6, 2017 - 1:00pm to 8:00pm
Location: Vincent E. Griego Chambers, City Hall, Basement (upated as of 2/23/17)
The Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) will hear the Integrated Development Ordinance and take public comment. The Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO), is intended to replace the City's Zoning Code, Subdivision Ordinance, and (in part) Planning Ordinance. This includes a conversion of existing zones to proposed IDO zones, which can be reviewed online here.
Public comment will be taken throughout the day and evening, so come when you can!