GAAR has kicked off its Annual Backpack drive and we need YOUR help!
APS Title 1 Homeless Project anticipates that 550 elementary, middle and high school students will need backpacks this fall. The Project provides basic services, as well as education to help keep these children in school.
REALTORS® and Affiliates can help by donating new backpacks or online through the member portal until Friday, August 2nd. Every $5 you give, purchases a backpack for a child in need.
Backpack Drive for APS Title 1 Homeless Students
Deadline to Donate: Friday, August 2nd
4 Ways You Can Help:
- Drop-off NEW backpacks or donations at GAAR
- Donate through your member portal (scroll to the top of this blog to login)
- Mail donations: GAAR, 1635 University Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102 (payable to GAAR Backpack Drive)
- Post a flyer in your office
PLEASE, NO CASH! Also accepting new toiletries, full and travel size (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, bar soap, deodorant, toothpaste, etc.,)
Albuquerque Public Schools Title I Homeless Project provides homeless students with both basic services as well as the education that is necessary to stay in school and avoid poverty as adults. Local businesses and organizations volunteer in countless ways including collection drives to supply much-needed hygiene products, snacks, backpacks, and other items.