Last year we launched GAAR's Good Neighbor Award program.
The award recipients – Kris Cannaday, John Kynor, Danielle Clemens, Robert Boverie and Steve Cecco – were recognized for their work in the community and became the "face" of REALTORS® in the Greater Albuquerque area. The Association also extended the recognition of each Good Neighbor's signature charity to REALTOR® members through member communications and to the community through NewMexicoHomeSearch.com, in ads and on the 2 Kasa Style morning show. The charity also received a $500 grant through the REALTOR® Fund.
For its second year, we will continue to build on the success of our inaugural year. The Good Neighbor not only recognizes individuals and their charities for their good works, it also helps the public understand the positive impact of the REALTOR® has on our community through the ongoing "REALTORS® are Good Neighbors" campaign.
Do you know a REALTOR® or Affiliate Member that goes above and beyond to help the community? Do you dedicate your free time to a local charity? Then you need to submit a nomination for the 2016 GAAR Good Neighbor Awards. Eligible candidates must be a member of GAAR in good standing and submit fully-completed nomination packets.
Click here to download the nomination packet
Applications will be accepted through October 21st.
Help us get the word out by sharing this article or by printing | distributing | posting the flyers linked below.
2016 GAAR Good Neighbor Flyer - John Kyner
2016 GAAR Good Neighbor Flyer - Kris Cannaday
2016 GAAR Good Neighbor Flyer - Robert Boverie