There are close to a dozen NAR affiliated institutions, societies and councils – and that climbs a lot higher if you include all real estate professional societies. In central New Mexico, there are about 10 local chapters of both residential and commercial real estate councils, institutes and societies that you can check out.
Two councils that can help you expand your professional development are the Women's Council of REALTORS® Albuquerque Chapter and the New Mexico Council of Exchangers.
Women's Council of REALTORS®
The Women's Council of REALTORS® (WCR) is a nationwide community of more than 10,000 successful real estate professionals. WCR's mission is to advance women as professionals and leaders in business, the industry and the communities they serve. WCR's Performance Management Network designation focuses on combining real-world skills with the power of WCR's national referral network.
The local chapter, headed by Judy Wilson, strives to provide timely, accessible programming, great networking and opportunities for your personal and professional growth. Women's Council members send and receive referrals with confidence, knowing that their values are shared when it comes to providing outstanding service to their clients.
We encourage members to get involved, because we know that participation translates to personal growth and leadership development. We meet you where you are in your skill development and take you to the next level.
The Women’s Council of Realtors – Albuquerque Chapter meets on the first Thursday of the month from 11:15am to 1:00pm at Mykonos Restaurant at 5900 Eubank NE 87111. If you are interested in attending, contact the WCR Albuquerque Chapter President, Judy Wilson at 505-275-5464 or at Judy@WilsonABQ.com.
The next meeting is on June 2nd and the guest speaker will be Kent Cravens, GAAR's EVP. It is sponsored by Jeanneth Lopez with Rio Rancho Cleaning and Lori Miller & Dana Loeras with Bank of Albuquerque.
New Mexico Council of Exhangors
The New Mexico Council of Exchangors (NMCE) is a nonprofit professional organization of licensed New Mexico Real Estate Brokers dedicated to increasing the productivity of its members and to educating property owners and real estate professionals to the benefits of real estate exchanges or “equity marketing” as it is sometimes called. Drop in an NMCE meeting to learn more about creative real estate marketing and exchange.
The "Exchangors" meet each Thursday at 8:30 AM at the GAAR REALTORS® Building. All REALTORS® are invited. Bring your business cards, introduce yourself, and enjoy learning interesting and creative ways to conduct your business, and potentially, an amazing new source of growth for your bottom line. Your first visit is free.
Come and enjoy coffee and goodies. We look forward to meeting you and we know, when you see this potential for your business, you will return.