What is .REALTOR?
You're probably familiar with the domain extension .com and maybe even .org, .edu, and .gov. But did you know that pretty soon hundreds - if not thousands - of new domain extensions will exist?
The new domain extensions can be for just about anything, including real estate. That’s why the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) secured the new .REALTOR domain: to clearly provide a trusted source for real estate information online and to bring order to this increasingly complicated online world. Like the term REALTOR®, only REALTORS® can use .REALTOR domains, making it the clearest way to show consumers you are a member of NAR, and you adhere to a higher standard of ethics and are a source they can trust.
Why use .REALTOR?
Having your own .REALTOR domain benefits you in the following ways:
- Since every domain ends in .REALTOR, indicating REALTOR® status, members can focus on selecting the best domain name and market themselves and their business.
- .REALTOR offers a clean slate of domain names to choose from, whereas most desirable domains are already taken in .com.
- Bring order and consistency to the currently disorganized real estate space on the Internet. Anyone can create a .com site, but only REALTORS® can use a .REALTOR domain.
- The first domain is FREE for the first year for the first 500,000 NAR members and the first 10,000 CREA members.
- Directly connects members to the $5 billion internationally recognized REALTOR® brand, delivering additional branding and market value – just like placing the REALTOR® logo on your business cards or wearing the REALTOR® pin.
- Immediately identifies REALTOR® membership, and differentiates REALTORS® from other nonmember professionals.
- Establish a branded destination for consumers to ensure they’re dealing with a REALTOR®.
- Builds a TLD that establishes .REALTOR as a trusted source when searching for real estate information online.
- Communicates the positive attributes of trust, professionalism and community to consumers by its use of the REALTOR®name.
- The Internet is evolving and NAR has proactively positioned REALTORS® to be at the forefront of this change.
- Positions REALTORS® with a competitive edge in the online real estate space by enabling the opportunity for future innovation, for example, a .REALTOR search engine, making it easier for consumers to locate REALTORS® and real estate services.
- Establishes rules and standards of use that differentiate the .REALTOR domain from all other domains.
- Search engines like Google are focused on delivering relevant results. The .REALTOR domain tells search engines what kind of content to expect on a website, making it more likely to appear in search results when a consumer is searching for the term “REALTOR®”.
- Includes an optional FREE profile website for U.S. members. An example can be found here.
How to claim your .REALTOR domain.
Watch this quick .REALTOR Domain Registration video.
For more information go to about.realtor.