![Coming Soon Refresher](https://www.gaar.com/images/uploads/blog/flex_icon.png)
The new Coming Soon status in Flexmls is now on its second month in the MLS and has seen healthy activity of its usage in the MLS. Support staff have also seen an increase in calls and emails about it since we launched the new status.
One of the issues we are seeing has to do with confusion on using the Coming Soon Date fields and accidently making a listing Active before they are ready. This is causing some members to have to duplicate or copy a new listing a second time.
As SWMLS works to improve how Coming Soon listings are entered in the system we welcome any feedback (positive or negative) and also want to share a few tips on Coming Soon in MLS.
When entering a new Coming Soon listing the are three separate date fields to be mindful of.
Public Active Date – This date is only visible when selecting Coming Soon as the status. This is the date that the listing will be made ACTIVE in the MLS and will be fully marketed on online consumer home searches.
On Market Date – This is the date that you want the listing to start as Coming Soon in the MLS system, the beginning of the Coming Soon marketing period. You can market a Coming Soon in MLS for up to 14 days.
Listing Contract Date - This is the date the Listing contract was signed and agreed upon by seller and listing broker.
To learn more about Coming Soon listings please read our full article. http://www.gaar.com/blog/article/coming-soon