The REALTOR® Difference
As a REALTOR®, you know the value you bring to your clients and communities every day. The difference is real when working with a REALTOR® versus a non-member agent, and it’s important for consumers to understand that distinction.
While NAR’s ad campaign tells your story through paid advertising, consumers should also learn it from you, and in a consistent way. That's why NAR has developed language to help you and every member of the National Association of REALTORS® succinctly and consistently articulate the REALTOR® difference.
Please leverage this language and the assets below, with your current and future clients – share it on social, on your website, in your bios, and at the bottom of emails. Distinguish yourself by sharing the value of the REALTOR® brand which unites us.
Differentiating Language
Copy and paste this member value language into touchpoints with your clients and consumers to distinguish yourself as a REALTOR®. Please note that the three phrases below have been legally approved and must be used as-is. Please do not edit or revise the phrases.
Full Language:
REALTORS® are members of the National Association of REALTORS® who are bound by a Code of Ethics while helping you navigate one of the most complicated and important transactions you’ll make in your lifetime.
Ethics, Expertise and Education – the REALTOR® difference at work for you.
Abbreviated Language:
Ethics, Expertise and Education – the REALTOR® difference at work for you.
Personalized Language:
I am a REALTOR®, a real estate professional who has taken the extra step to belong to the National Association of REALTORS®. Through membership, I abide by a Code of Ethics and have gained expertise to help you navigate one of the most complicated and important transactions you’ll make in your lifetime.
Ethics, Expertise and Education – the REALTOR® difference at work for you.
Email Signature Banners
Establish and reinforce your value and distinction as a REALTOR® in every email you send. Click the image to download.
Social Covers
Download social media cover images:
Conversation Starter: "Ask Me Why REALTORS®..."
A PDF resource you can share with your clients about the REALTOR® difference, essentially asking them to engage you in conversation. One version has space for you to personalize it with your logo, photo, contact information, etc.