The Assessor’s Office will have a dedicated phone bank and educational workshops for property owners who have questions or need assistance
Bernalillo County– The Bernalillo County Assessor’s Office will send 2016 Notices of Value (NOV) to all property owners beginning March 30, informing them of the assessed value of their property as of Jan. 1. These assessments will be a factor in determining the property tax bills the Bernalillo County Treasurer’s Office will mail in November of this year.
“We recommend that property owners open their Notice of Values as soon as they receive them and carefully review all the information inside,” County Assessor Tanya R. Giddings says. “If you have any questions regarding your assessment, we urge you to come into our office or contact us before the assessment protest deadline of April 29.”
The Assessor’s Office has a dedicated phone bank set up to help property owners who have questions or need assistance. The number to call is (505) 222-3700. Additional information and frequently asked questions can also be found on the Assessor’s website - www.bernco.gov/assessor-office. Property owners will also have the option to enroll in receiving their NOVs electronically in future years. Instructions on how to sign up will be inserted into the NOV mailings. As always, residents of Bernalillo County can also access their notices of value from the search assessor records link on the website.
The Assessor’s Office will also be hosting four educational workshops in April for those interested in learning more about the assessment process and speaking with Assessor Office staff about their values. Those workshops will take place in the Vincent E. Griego Chambers Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Government Center, 1 Civic Plaza NW, Basement Level on the following dates and times:
Bernalillo County Assessor Educational Workshops
Saturday, April 16: 10 a.m. & 1 p.m.
Saturday, April 23: 10 a.m. & 1 p.m.
If a property owner believes the information in their NOV is incorrect, they have until Friday, April 29 at 5 p.m. to file a petition of protest. Protest forms are available online at the assessor’s website or in person at 501 Tijeras Ave. NW. A protest checklist is provided online, via mail or in person to assist property owners who wish to file a protest petition of their assessed value.
Property owners have until April 29 to apply for property tax exemptions that could help lower their property tax bill in November. These exemptions include head of family, veterans and 100 percent disabled veterans. Applications for these exemptions can be downloaded from the assessor’s website or picked up in person.
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About Bernalillo County
Bernalillo County is 1,160 square miles and is New Mexico’s most populous county with more than 674,000 residents. Bernalillo County government provides a wide range of public services to residents who live in Albuquerque, Los Ranchos and Tijeras and the 111,000 residents who live outside the village and city limits in the unincorporated areas of the county. Bernalillo County employs approximately 2,500 people and has an annual operating budget and capital investments of more than $500 million. Elected officials include five county commissioners, assessor, clerk, probate judge, sheriff and treasurer.