If you sell commercial real estate or are thinking about expanding your portfolio, here are two classes offered by CARNM that you could benefit from:
Commercial Real Estate Loans – 3 CE credits
Learn the many options for financing investment commercial real estate projects in today’s regulatory environment!
Traditional Financing, Traditional Lender Construction Financing, Bank Mini-Perm and Permanent Financing will be explored. Comparisons will be made between traditional lenders and other lenders, and the pro/cons for each will be considered. Learn how lending decisions are made and underwritten. Discuss Developer/ Borrower Expectations, Loan Request Packages, Loan Pricing Decisions, Interest Rates, and Federal Guidelines on Stress Testing.
April 16 8:15-11:15 a.m.
State Bar of New Mexico
$50 Non members/ $40 CARNM members
CCIM Foundations for Success in Commercial Real Estate – 10 CE credits
This two-day, case study-driven course provides agents, brokers, students, and allied professionals with an understanding of the skills, resources, and business practices that pave the way for success in commercial real estate. Learn how to analyze leases and investment value, and develop a plan to kick-start your career. Foundations for Success is not just about how the commercial real estate business works, it is about working the business.
After completing this highly interactive course, you will be able to:
- Access and use demographic information as a decision-making tool
- Differentiate between the needs of the owners and tenants
- Develop a personal marketing plan
- Develop a property marketing plan
- Utilize basic financial analysis tools
- Solve investment problems using a financial calculator
- Perform basic mortgage calculations using compounding and discounting techniques
- Project income and expenses for a real estate property
- Calculate the yield on a potential investment
As part of the course you will also receive the CCIM Financial Calculator, designed to effectively and efficiently provide investment scenarios for you and your clients.
April 30- May 1, 2015 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Wells Fargo Bank, Second Floor
$195.00 (non member/member)