As a not-for-profit trade association, GAAR relies on volunteers as a vital component of our growth, strength and success.
We are currently seeking out members who would be interested in volunteering for one (or more) of our numerous committees. With just a an hour or so of time each month, you can make a difference at YOUR Association.
Not sure which committee you want to get involved with? We have a full list below.
If you are considering being a volunteer for a GAAR or SWMLS Committee, please fill out this questionnaire or email getinvolved@gaar.com to get more information.
GAAR Standing Committees
Standing Committees are constituted to perform a continuing function and remain in existence permanently. Standing committees are created by the Bylaws.
Grievance Committee
Purpose: To determine if complaints are potential violations of the Code of Ethics or determine if matters are arbitrable.
Composition: The Grievance Committee shall consist of at least twelve (12) Members to include a Chair and Vice Chair.
Qualifications: Must be a REALTOR® in good standing for the past five (5) years on a consecutive basis with no ethics violations in the three (3) years prior to consideration for Committee Membership. No member may serve concurrently on any combination of the Grievance, Professional Standards, and Mediation Committees. All new members of the Grievance Committee must attend a Professional Standards training session targeted at their responsibilities a minimum of four (4) hours. All Grievance Committee members shall annually attend a training course related to professional standards, such as a class on Code of Ethics, procuring cause, business ethics, professionalism in real estate, mediation, etc. for a minimum of three (3) hours. Appointments must be confirmed by the Board of Directors.
Term: Three-year term.
Professional Standards Committee
Purpose: To hear ethics complaints and arbitrations.
Composition: The Professional Standards Committee shall consist of at least twenty-two (22) members to include a Chair and Vice Chair.
Qualifications: Must be a REALTOR® in good standing for the past five (5) years on a consecutive basis with no ethics violations in the three (3) years prior to consideration for Committee Membership. No member may serve concurrently on any combination of the Grievance, Professional Standards, and Mediation Committees. All new members of the Professional Standards Committee must attend a Professional Standards training session targeted at their responsibilities a minimum of four (4) hours. All Professional Standards Committee members shall annually attend a training course related to professional standards, such as a class on Code of Ethics, procuring cause, business ethics professionalism in real estate, mediation, etc. for a minimum of three (3) hours. Appointments must be confirmed by the Board of Directors.
Term: Three-year term.
Mediation Committee
Purpose: To mediate disputes arising out of real estate transactions.
Composition: The Mediation Committee shall consist of at least six (6) members to include a Chair and Vice Chair
Qualifications: Must be a REALTOR® in good standing for the past five (5) years on a consecutive basis with no ethics violations in the three (3) years prior to consideration for Committee Membership. No member may serve concurrently on any combination of the Grievance, Professional Standards, and Mediation Committees. All Mediation Committee members will complete a minimum of twenty (20) hours of basic mediation training and complete an apprenticeship program consisting of participation in two mediation conferences as an observer and in four medication conferences as an unpaid co‐mediator with critiques. To maintain active status mediators must annually complete (4) mediations. Mediators may serve as Ombudsman for the Association and appointments must be confirmed by the Board of Directors.
Term: Three-year term.
THE REALTOR® FUND of the Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS®
Purpose: To coordinate fundraising efforts for the REALTOR® endowment fund and to make recommendations for funding to support the mission and purpose of The REALTOR® Fund.
Composition: 8 members, to include a Chair and Vice Chair.
Qualifications: Members may be REALTOR® members, affiliate members or community leaders. Members are expected to contribute and/or raise funds to support the endowment fund. Appointments must be confirmed by the Board of Directors.
Term: Three-year term.
GAAR AD Hoc Committees
Ad Hoc Committees are formed for a limited period of time to address a specific need. When the work of the ad hoc committee is completed, the committee is dissolved. An ad hoc committee may exist for less than a year or for a year or more depending on the extent of the work assigned to it.
Community Relations Committee
Purpose: The Community Relations Committee will be focused on the relationship of the REALTOR® membership with the Community. Specifically, the Community Relations Committee will develop an association wide endeavor to engage the membership as ambassadors for the state and in facilitating a week‐long event promoting the REALTOR® to the community; will be responsible for coordinating with local charities to provide support i.e. the Title 1 APS Homeless Children Program Holiday Dinner and coordination of a Habitat project.
Composition: 3‐8 members, which includes a Chair and Vice Chair
Qualifications: None
Term: One-year term
Golf Tournament Committee
Purpose: To coordinate operations and sponsorships for the GAAR Annual Charity Golf Tournament to raise funds for the REALTOR® Fund.
Composition: 10‐15 members, which includes a Chair and Vice Chair
Qualifications: None
Term: One-year term
Run for the Zoo Committee
Purpose: To coordinate operations and volunteers to the support the Run for the Zoo event.
Composition: 10‐15 members, which includes a Chair and Vice Chair
Qualifications: None
Term: One-year term
Bowl‐a‐Thon Committee
Purpose: To coordinate operations and sponsorships for the GAAR Annual Bowl‐a‐Thon to raise funds for the REALTOR® Fund.
Composition: 3‐8 members, which includes a Chair and Vice Chair
Qualifications: None
Term: One-year term
LEAP (Leadership, Education, and Achievement Programs) Committee
Purpose: To investigate, recommend and provide resources for programs and processes that grow leadership in the Association and support the professional development and recognition of members. Specifically, the committee plans and develops Broker/Member Forums; creates programs for the professional development of the REALTOR® in conjunction with REALTOR® week; supports the planning and execution of the Leadership Development Program for emerging Association leaders; secures sponsors for the GAAR Awards Gala, and oversees the selection and presentation of GAAR Awards; and helps identify the professional development needs of all members.
Composition: 10‐15 members, which includes Chair and Vice Chair
Qualifications: None
Term: One-year term
Real Estate Community Political Action Committee (RECPAC)
Purpose: To participate in public policy development by governmental and regulatory bodies to preserve and protect private property rights and the business environment in which REALTORS® work, to increase awareness of the importance of investing in RPAC and RECPAC and to educate REALTORS® on relevant political issues.
Composition: 12 trustees which includes the Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer (5 members from CARNM and 7 members from GAAR)
Qualifications: Trustees shall be politically active and astute on current political events and issues and must be able to act in a non‐partisan manner and focus on decisions facing the real estate industry.
Term: Three-year term
GAAR Networking & Specific Membership Committees
Affiliate Committee
Purpose: To provide a forum that enables Affiliate Members to network and exchange ideas and information, develop programs/processes that provide industry information to REALTOR® members, recruit new affiliates, and create opportunities for developing business partnerships. Expected outcomes of the Committee:
- Plan and develop 4 Affiliate Forums with Q & A’s on timely topics of interest to real estate professionals.
- Provide current company marketing materials for distribution at New Member Orientation programs.
Additionally, the Affiliate Committee will work with other GAAR members and committees to sponsor and volunteer, and/or recruit sponsors and volunteers to support special member recognition, charitable, community and/or other types of unique projects and events.
Composition: Chair and Co‐Chair, any active Affiliate Member; all Affiliate Members will be notified of meeting
Qualifications: Active Affiliate Members of GAAR
Term: One-year term for Chair and Co‐Chair
Appraisal Committee
Purpose: To provide a forum for appraiser members to interact with other appraiser members of GAAR and share common ideas and information with each other.
Composition: A Chair and Vice Chair and any Appraiser Member
Qualifications: Chair and Vice Chair should be Appraiser Members
Term: One-year term
SWMLS Standing Committees
Policy Committee
Purpose: To maintain and update the SWMLS Rules and Regulations and to work with the Compliance Committee to ensure compliance with the Rules and Regulations.
Composition: A Chair and Vice Chair with no less than 9 members. The Chair of the committee and the Past Chair are non‐voting members. All other members are voting members. The Vice‐Chair is appointed by the Vice President, and will succeed the Chair when his/her term expires. The committee shall include at least one appraiser and at least two Subscribers or Participants.
Qualifications: At least one appraiser and two Subscribers or Participants must have more than five (5) years of experience in the business. All other committee members must have been in the business a minimum of one (1) year.
Term: Three year term staggered terms. The Chair, Vice‐Chair and Past‐Chair shall serve for one (1) year terms.
Ex‐Officio Members: The President of the SWMLS is an ex‐officio member.
Compliance Committee
Purpose: To review alleged violations of the Rules and Regulations and conduct hearings as required and take such action as needed.
Composition: A Chair and Vice Chair with no less than 9 members, which shall be representative of the various sizes of offices in the Service and shall consist of both Subscribers and Participants. All members of the committee shall be voting members including the Chair, Vice Chair and the Immediate Past‐Chair, however, the Chair of the committee shall vote only in case of ties. The committee shall include at least one appraiser.
Qualifications: All members of the committee shall have at least three (3) years of experience in the real estate business.
Term: three-year term, staggered terms. The Chair, Vice‐Chair and Past‐Chair shall serve for one (1) year terms.