Ever had trouble looking up tax records in CRS data when you don’t know the address, owner name, or parcel ID?
If you don't know exactly where your property is located, but know it's approximate area on a map, enter the name of a street in that area into the search. Select any property on that street from the search list that's returned.
Once a Property Report comes up, locate a link below the map image that says “Click Here to go to a larger map”. Use the pan, zoom in, and zoom out features until you locate the actual property you seek on the map. At the top of the map choose the option called CRS layers and select Property Address or Parcel ID. This will display an overlay of the value over the property in question. Now, return to the Property Search screen and enter that parcel ID or address in the search box. From the search results, you'll be able to go to the correct Property Report.
Here is a demo video demonstrating this technique.