Beginning September 29th, SWMLS will begin introducing new types of Listing Alerts. The Flex listing alerts will be emails sent directly to a listing agent to alert them to a potential listing issue. Also referred to as the Flex Headmaster tool, SWMLS hopes these alerts can be used to help educate our members about potential listing issues and to reduce the number of monthly warnings being issued for common listing violations.
The alerts will be sent to a listing agent who has one of the following listing issues listed below.
- Listing that has not uploaded the required Lead Paint disclosure form
- Listing that is built prior to 1978 that has not marked LBP disclosure
- Listing with 7 days on market with no photo
- Pending listing more than 48 hours past the Estimated Selling Date
The listing alerts will advise the listing agent to correct the listing issue within a 48 hour period and also give an opportunity for the agent to contact SWMLS to get assistance with correcting any information. Any uncorrected listing issue beyond that time could begin to receive compliance notices from SWMLS.
Here is what the new listing alerts will look like.