In two weeks, Southwest MLS is making changes that will affect the way you enter listings and search for properties in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque.
Effective Friday, June 26, Los Ranchos will be added back as an available city choice for Bernalillo County, instead of the current separate field called Los Ranchos. Any existing listings that are currently reporting YES for the Los Ranchos field will automatically have their city changed from Albuquerque to Los Ranchos. This means that the existing Los Ranchos field will no longer be accessible and you will need to use the city to field to enter new listings or search by Los Ranchos de Albuquerque.
What if I have saved searches or prospect searches that are using the current Los Ranchos field? We are advising that you wait until June 26th or after to edit any searches that have the Los Ranchos in the search criteria. At that time you will just need to select Los Ranchos as the city and save the search again. SWMLS has identified all current auto-searches that are using the Los Ranchos field and will be sending a message directly to those agents.
What if I need to search Los Ranchos properties now? You can continue to use the Los Ranchos field for searches, CMAs, and listing entry. On June 26th the city on your new listings will just change from Albuquerque to Los Ranchos.
The change is being made to improve the way Los Ranchos properties are identified in the MLS and in public home searches. If you have specific questions about this change please contact us at 843-8833 or email support@gaar.com.