July 8, 2022
The Flexmls issue with Photos was resolved the evening of July 7th and a popup message and email was sent. Please double check your listings to verify your Photos are visible, and to possibly remove any you may have uploaded multiple times.
The issue related to the Populate Tax Data, Remine, and CRS are still being worked on.
Should you still have any issues, please contact support@swmls.com or 505-843-8833 and we will follow up with you.
July 7, 2022
SWMLS Members,
We have been made aware of an additional Flexmls issue with adding photos to a listing. When you upload photos to a new or incomplete listing, they will not appear on your screen as usual. However, Flexmls has confirmed that they have been uploaded, and they will display on the listing once the issue has been resolved.
We continue to work on the issues reported earlier today as well, and we want to report a workaround for the Populate Tax Data issue. It seems the issue is caused by the St Suffix field, so if you remove that field, the Populate Tax Data button will work in most cases.
We will continue to keep you updated as new information becomes available.
Thank you,
First message sent July 7, 2022
and Remine/CRS Direct Links
There is an ongoing issue with the Populate Tax Data button when entering a listing, as well as when trying to enter Remine or CRS directly from a listing. Flex is aware of the issue and is working on it. There is no estimated time of repair at this time.
Property records can still be accessed for Remine:
Menu > Products > Remine
For CRS Subscribers, property records can be accessed:
Menu > Products > CRS
We will keep you updated as we learn more.
Thank you,