Flexmls Tip: Getting Started with Quick Launch

The Google-style search bar in Flexmls is one of the most powerful tools in the system.

You’re probably familiar with using it to search by MLS number or address, or to look up offices or members. But, did you know about all the other ways you can use the search bar to save you time and effort?

  • For a quick radius search in the Quick Launch bar, you can type  “near” or “1 mile from” + the MLS number to search.
  • You can use symbols, such as combining > or  < with a price, to find homes more or less than that value.
  • You can also combine search criteria, like “400k to 500k 4 bed 4 bath.”
  • And, you can even search by listing status. Find recently closed listings by searching “recently closed.” All of these search options (and more!) are available to you in the Quick Launch bar.