It’s that time of year again! The leaves are turning brilliant colors, there is a crispness in the air and… the 2017 dues billing has been sent out.
BUT, Did You Know…
You Association (GAAR) has not had a dues increase since 2008?
GAAR has been operating leaner and more efficient than ever before. Your GAAR staff is always looking for ways to streamline and reduce costs wherever they can while becoming more effective in finding ways to improve customer service.
Since 2008, GAAR offers more benefits than ever before?
Your Association offers more continuing education, certification and designation classes today than they have ever offered in the past. GAAR continues to increase the number of additional classes to help you grow your knowledge, your professionalism and your business.
Your Association has an Internet Café that is amazing AND conference rooms for you to meet with clients?
Save yourself the time of driving across town to your office to meet a client. GAAR also offers free delicious cups of coffee all day long!
Since 2011, GAAR members have given over $188,000 in donations to local charities through the REALTOR® Fund?
The goal of this fund is to reach a sustainable sum of $1,000,000 by 2021 and that goal will be met in 2018. You will have exceeded the goal by 3 years. That’s amazing! And what a difference this has made in our community. Click here to make a donation.
How awesome you and your Association are?
Thank you for your membership, loyalty, hard work and encouraging input to make your Association one of the most efficient, relevant and renown Associations in the Nation!
If you haven’t already, please click here to pay your bill today!