It has recently been brought to the GAAR staff's attention that parts of our phone system are not functioning as they should. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you and your business.
We are working closely with CenturyLink to resolve the technical issues that have been discovered. With the goal of ensuring that you get the immediate support you need when you call the GAAR offices, we are taking immediate steps to improve our phone system and phone support procedures. We hope to have these improvements in place by end of the week.
Please feel free to call with any feedback or questions you may have. You can email your feedback or questions to leadership@gaar.com or you may contact GAAR Staff or the Board of Directors directly. The links to our website directories are listed below:
Staff Directory: http://www.gaar.com/about/staff
GAAR and SWMLS Boards of Directors: http://www.gaar.com/about/board
We appreciate your patience. Providing first-class member support is our top priority.