Here at GAAR, we generally focus on our membership but for just a second we're going to show you how the GAAR organization is just as awesome - particularly under the leadership of its Executive Vice President, Kent Cravens. When the Albuquerque Business First recently published an article titled "3 New Mexicans to know who build the best teams," they picked GAAR's fearless leader as one of those three. We thought it was worth sharing the message that the organization is in good hands!
An excerpt from the article:
2. Kent Cravens, executive vice president, Greater Albuquerque Association of Realtors. Cravens took over running the 3,000-member organization two years ago, and since then has grown its membership by 8 to 12 percent. The tenure of employees is seven to nine years, which isn't surprising since Cravens has had a lot of diverse leadership experience, from creating and running a wholesale food distribution sales business to managing Alpha Graphics to serving as a state senator for three terms. He also served as the executive director of the New Mexico Dental Association for five years, and later as an oil and gas lobbyist. One thing that struck me about Cravens' leadership style is that he's open to change — he doesn't claim to have all the answers and he's open to hearing new ideas.
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