Online registration for the 4th Annual GAAR Charity Bowl-a-Thon is now open!
You and three of your friends, coworkers or family members can team up to bowl at the session of your choice for only $25 per bowler. No bowling experience is needed and kids are welcome!
The 4th Annual GAAR Charity Bowl-a-Thon will be taking place on Saturday, August 27 at Silva Lanes. There are three different session times available that you can choose to play at (2:30 pm, 5:30 pm or 9:30 pm).
We are still accepting sponsorships, donations and door prizes. All proceeds from this event will go to benefit The REALTOR® Fund. If you are wanting to sponsor or donate to the event, click on the "Individual" link after you select "tickets."
Registration Instructions
Part 1: Creating a Team
- Step 1: Go to http://gaarbowl2016.eventbrite.com, then click the 'Tickets' button on the upper-right.
- Step 2: Click the "Team" link on the pop-up window, then click on "Create a Team"
- Step 3: Enter your team name (the more creative, the better! You could win the trophy for "Best Team Name!")
- Step 4: Click the Register button; then choose which time you are going to play. It will be $25 per player and 4 palyers per team, so make sure you select "4" if you are registering for everyone on your team. *
- Step 5: When finished, click the "checkout" button on the lower-right to complete the registration and payment process
*Note: If you register 4 bowlers, then congratulations - your team will be registered for GAAR's Charity Bowl-A-Thon! If you register less than 4 bowlers, be sure your remaining teammates continue to Part 2: Joining a Team.
Part 2: Joining an existing Team
- Step 1: Go to http://gaarbowl2016.eventbrite.com, then click the 'Tickets' button.
- Step 2: Click the "Team" link on the pop-up window
- Step 3: Search for your team name in the search box.
- Step 4: Select the correct session time your team will be playing at, and how many team members you're purchasing spots for (remember, only 4 per team!)
- Step 5: Click the Register button; then choose which time you are going to play. It will be $25 per player.
- Step 6: When finished, click the "checkout" button on the lower-right to complete the registration and payment process
Now get over to http://gaarbowl2016.eventbrite.com and create or join your team today! Questions? Contact Heidi Sergel at heidi@gaar.com or 505-724-3483.