Why is GAAR switching to e-Bill?
Sure, it saves trees. But it really saves money.
Combined, GAAR and SWMLS billing costs members about $5,000 each year on printing and postage
That's $5,000 we can invest in interface improvements for flexMLS. That's $5,000 we can invest in additional advertising for events like the open house weekend. That's $5,000 we can invest in state-of-the-art equipment in the internet cafe. $5,000 goes a long way in a non-profit member association like GAAR. As your local REALTOR® Association, we would much rather invest $5,000 on improved member benefits for you than on printing and mailing you bills.
To date, about 39% of GAAR members have already made the switch, saving us about $3,196. Thank you very much to those members.
But, our ultimate goal is to have 100% participation in e-Bill by Friday, May 15th.
Our goal is to have all members signed up by this Friday by noon. For all members enrolled in e-Bill by 12:00 noon on May 15th, you will be automatically enrolled in a drawing for a $250 money card!
We are asking all GAAR and SWMLS members to switch now, because on September 1, 2015, the billing default for all members will be switched automatically to e-bill in preparation for the GAAR billing cycle on October 1. We do not want any member to be caught by surprise and incur late fees or experience any down-time on their account.
After September 1st, members will be given an opportunity to opt-out of e-bill through Member Support.
The switch is simple. Just follow the 5 steps below:
1. Go to https://ims.gaar.com and login with your Rapattoni credentials.
2. Click on “View/Update Personal Information”
3. Scroll down to the “Preferences” section
4. Under “Preferred Billing Method” make sure “Email” is selected
5. Click “Submit” at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
That's it. That's all it takes.
And, as if saving money for more substantive member benefits is not incentive enough, everyone enrolled on e-Bill by high noon on May 15th will be automatically enrolled in our drawing for a $250 money card.
Help us save you money. Switch to e-Bill today.
To get more detailed instructions on how to switch over to e-Bill, just click here.