Happy ABQ REALTOR® Week!
It’s time to celebrate the Greater Albuquerque, New Mexico area and its REALTORS® with a week packed full of free events and spectacular activities, including a mini ABQ Expo, a hamburger cookout, fun and enlightening speakers, and a "Grande" Open House! If you haven't signed up yet, there is still time!
Monday through Friday, April 13th- 17th
Mini ABQ Expo
All Week
There are tables set-up REALTOR® Building with ABQ New Mexico "sales" tools and marketing material from affiliates and community resources to share with both new and native residents. The Mini ABQ Expo is set-up in the former MLS room. Be sure to stop in if you're in the neightborhood!
Wednesday, April 15th
Celebrate Albuquerque Day
FREE Morning and Afternoon Sessions plus Lunch
Celebrate Abluquerque Day is 2 free classes that teach you how to sell Albuquerque and New Mexico to out of town clients (or resell it to locals).
In the morning, learn the latest developments from ABQ Economic Development, APD and APS. In the afternoon, become certified an official New Mexico True Ambassador by New Mexico Cabinet Secretary Rebecca Latham and wraps up with a wine tasting by Casa Ronderal Winery. Even if you can't stay for the full sessions, we're offering free lunch from Rex’s Burgers in our courtyard. Reserve your space now while there are still a few seats left. Click here for the full schedule and to sign up.
Thursday, April 16th
Albuquerque Trends & Opportunities through 2040
FREE Morning and Afternoon Sessions
We still have free tickets for both sessions with Dr. Arthur C. Nelson. Reserve your seat now...they're filling up fast!
Dr. Arthur C. Nelson, Professor of Urban Planning and Real Estate Development, University of Arizona, will be unveiling his findings on Albuquerque-Metro’s urban growth and real estate development trends for the next 25 years. After seeing his presentation for NAR, GAAR contracted Dr. Nelson to study the Greater Albuquerque area and to see how it compares to national trends. As the author of “Reshaping Metropolitan America,” Dr. Nelson is highly regarded for his empirical look at how cities are growing and evolving across America. During his presentation, he will review his findings on population, household, housing trends and preferences and explore redevelopment opportunities for the Albuquerque Metro area through 2040.
No REALTOR® should miss this illuminating lecture with acclaimed author and Professor of Urban Planning and Real Estate Development, Dr. Arthur C. Nelson. You can also invite clients, associates or friends that have an interest in the future of our city.
This event is open to the public, so you want to make sure your reserve your ticket now.
Wednesday through Friday, April 15th - 17th
REALTOR® Prep for Open House Weekend
All Day
Are you holding an open house this weekend? Make sure you cvome by the REALTOR® Building to pick up your blue "GAAR's GRANDE OPEN HOUSE" signs and blue GAAR Balloons to identify your open house as part of the event. We'll also have swag bags and handouts for your Open House clients from the the Mini ABQ Expo in the MLS Room
The Open House prep will be open from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.
Saturday & Sunday, April 18th & 19th
GAAR’s Grande Open House Weekend
City-wide in Greater Albuquerque Area
Our first metro-wide Open House event has been widely popular with our REALTOR® Members! Currently, we have over 300 listed in every price range and from every neighborhood! We have listings from Belen to to Bernailillo and Moriarity to the far West Side.
If you're planning to participate, there's still time! All you need is the address, and MLS number and your FlexMLS ID. You have until early Friday afternoon to enter or change your open house information. And, yes, you can have more than one open house per day...just be sure to take your GAAR's GRANDE OPEN HOUSE signs and balloons with you to your next open house.
Sign up to list your open house now.
Also, don't forget to enter your open house information in FlexMLS and well so it is broadcaste to all listing If you've already signed up, go to the Open House page to check your listing for accuracy.