Here's three quick steps on how to use the Property Search function in CRS Data:
STEP 1. From FlexMLS, select Taxes; then CRS Tax Search
STEP 2. Select the County where your subject property is located.
STEP 3. Search for the property using the Owner's Last Name and/or the Street and/or Subdivision and/or the Parcel Identification Number (ID).
Use the Owner's First Initial or Street Number to narrow down the search. The less information you enter in the search fields, the more search options will return (properties to choose from). Select the correct property from the list that returns from your search.
Wildcards can also be used in these fields. Entering a "%" in front of a letter will produce results that contain that letter anywhere in the name. (e.g., entering "%wood" will bring back Woodlawn as well as Birchwood).