Long time REALTOR® Boyd Keefer, Jr. passed away on April 16, 2017.
His Memorial service will be held at Heights Cumberland Presyterian Church on Saturday, June 10, 2017 at 10:00am.
His daughter Ginny Primozic shared a short paragraph of Boyd's life:
Dad was born in Chicago in 1928, so in his early life, he and his brother were raised through the
Great Depression by a single mom. He started working at age 8 delivering newspapers. He attended Wheaten College where he met mom, but they graduated from Montana State. They were married 62 years until her death in 2013. After college he spent two years in the army. Thereafter, he was always a salesman, selling gas and oil for Conoco, then donuts as a Dunkin' Donuts franchise owner, then real estate with Hooten/Stahl and Coldwell. Along the way, he was also staff for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, which he supported all his life.
Music was a lifelong interest, and he sang bass with several choruses, including the Bel Canto Singers, Enchanters, and the Orpheus Chorus in Phoenix.
He raised three children, and is survived by two of them, their spouses, seven grandchildren, and one great-grandson.
He would want you to know that more important than any of this, was his faith in Jesus Christ, and in his last hours he was joyfully anticipating seeing him face to face.
After 89 trips around the sun, the body and soul of Boyd O. Keefer, Jr. were temporarily separated on Easter Sunday, April 16th, due to stoppage of the heart. They will be rejoined in their glorified state on another Resurrection Day, by the grace of the triune God, and the saving work of His son Jesus Christ. Boyd is survived by two daughters and their families, who loved him, and he knew it. The memorial service is Saturday, June 10th, 10a.m. at Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church on Academy.
If you would like to make a gift to honor Boyd, please send donations to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF), PO Box 7895, Madison, WI, 53707-7895. Indicate “In memory of Boyd Keefer, for the Rio Grande Area.” Donate online at InterVarsity.org/donate, or by phone at 866-734-4823.