GAAR & SWMLS Updates with Carrie & Tego

GAAR President Carrie Traub and SWMLS President Tego Venturi provide an update from the Board of Directors Meetings held the week of June 12th.

GAAR Board Meeting Updates
  1. University Pointe (1645 University property): A tenant has been secured for the entire building. A 10-year lease has been signed!
  2. GAAR Office (1635 University NE): Renovations are nearing completion! We anticipate the building will be completed in the next few weeks. Staff is preparing materials for members to reserve conference rooms and classrooms starting August 1st. There are several delays to note; the air walls to separate the classrooms and the new audio-visual equipment are not expected for delivery until the Fall. Stay tuned for more details. Ariel Langford ( or 505-724-3487 has been hired as Events & Program Administrator who will oversee rentals for members and the public.
  3. New Mexico Home Search: Attempts to monetize the site have not yielded desired results. Additionally, costs associated with maintaining the website have escalated and the outdated technology powering the site no longer meets current industry standards. Despite negotiations with our vendor to upgrade the site, we have been unable to reach an agreement. Consequently, the Board has decided not to renew the website contract and so will expire and go dark on Sunday, September 10th.  Read more.
SWMLS Board Meeting Updates
  1. Solar Field Updates: On June 15th, several changes were made to the Energy fields in Flexmls to conform to RESO Standard and to allow these fields to be syndicated. Details can be found here: Time Saver tips: Solar Field Updates and Solar Field Updates in Flexmls.
  2. Land Fields: SWMLS is working to clean up the types of land. We anticipate those changes will occur in August.
  3. ShowingTime Market Stats: A new weekly report is now available. View the Albuquerque Region Weekly Activity Report for the Week Ending June 10, 2023.
  4. SkySlope: Flexmls has begun the integration of NMAR's new form provider which is expected to launch in July. Transaction Desk, the current forms provider will still be available until August. Keep watch for more details and what you can do to make a smooth transition.
  5. Year Built & Year Built Source: These are several new fields that will be required as we continue to tweak and make our data more reliable.
  6. Rental Beast: The new rental listing platform is now expected to launch in mid-July. Stay tuned for more specific rollout dates.
  7. Broker Compensation: Nationally, there is a lot of discussion about this topic and we'll continue to keep you updated. You can read more here NAR on Real Estate Compensation Facts.
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