Are you passionate about serving and leading?
Do you envision yourself contributing to the growth and development of your Association through the implementation of new products and services?
If so, we invite you to consider taking on a leadership role as a member of the GAAR or SWMLS Board of Directors in 2024.
As a member in good standing with an interest in volunteering, you have the opportunity to apply for various director and officer positions. Directors meet regularly, at least ten times a year, and are expected to attend and actively participate in meetings and additional obligations as necessary.
Application Process
- Submit the 2024 GAAR/SWMLS Board of Directors Interest Form by Monday, August 28th at 4:00 pm.
- After verification of eligibility, eligible candidates will receive the Board of Directors Candidate Questionnaire
- Submit the completed Board of Directors Candidate Questionnaire by Thursday, August 31st at 4:00 pm.
- The selection process follows the Bylaws of GAAR and SWMLS, and once all applications are received, the Nominating Committees will create a candidate slate for both director and officer positions.
Director Positions
• 5 Director positions for 2024-2025 (2-year term)
Director Qualifications
• Member of the Association for at least three (3) consecutive years prior to nomination
• No Code of Ethics Violations or non-compliance of membership duty in the last three (3) years
Officer Positions
- President-elect (1-year term), an elected member will automatically serve as the 2025 President and 2026 Past President
- Vice-President (1-year term)
- Treasurer (2-year term)
Officer Qualifications
- Meets qualifications above for Directors
- Must be a REALTOR® who has served as an Officer or Director of GAAR within five (5) years of nomination
- Must fulfill a 2-year term on the Board of Directors (Director or Officer) to be eligible to run for the office of President-elect.
- Must have served on at least 1 GAAR or 1 SWMLS Committee in the past 5 years.
- Must attend a minimum of 1 meeting of either a NAR or NMAR Conference during their term as Director.
- Prior to nomination, must have had at least five (5) transactions that closed in the prior twelve (12) months AND/OR be a Qualifying Broker of at least five (5) brokers
View GAAR Board Responsibilities
Once all of the applications have been received, in accordance with the GAAR Bylaws, Article XI, Section 6, (d) “The Nominating Committee will meet at the call of the Chairperson for the purpose of selecting a candidate slate as follows:
• One (1) or more candidate(s) for each of the Officer Positions
• Up to two (2) candidates for each Director position with the Nominating Committee using reasonable efforts to provide two (2) candidates for each Director position
Director Positions
• There are no Director positions open
Officer Positions
• President-elect (1-year term), the elected member will automatically serve as 2025 President and 2026 Past President
• Treasurer (1-year term)
Officer and Director Qualifications (includes appointed Directors and Alternates)
- Minimum of three (3) years membership as a REALTOR® and Participant/Subscriber in a REALTOR® owned Multiple Listing Service
- Immediately prior to nomination, no finding of a violation of the Code of Ethics or non-compliance with a membership duty under Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS®’ policies and procedures
Completion of at least 3 of the following:
- 1 year on any NMAR, NAR, or NMREC Committee, PAG, or Task Force
- 1 year as GAAR/SWMLS Director or Officer
- 1 year as Chair of any SWMLS or GAAR Committee
- 1 year as Member of any SWMLS Committee or select GAAR Committees (Professional Standards, Grievance, Mediator/Ombudsman, GAP, or LEAP)
- Completion of a Leadership Development Program at the local, state, or national level
- Attendance of at least 2 SWMLS BOD Meetings within the last year (completion before taking office in January)
- Completion of Robert’s Rules of Order and MLS Rules Refresher Course
- Completion of five (5) transactions that closed in the prior twelve (12) months in which he or she represented a buyer, seller, landlord or tenant or performed an appraisal or is a Qualifying Broker of at least five (5) brokers
View SWMLS Board Responsibilities
Once all of the applications have been received, in accordance with the SWMLS Bylaws, Article 6.3, Section 2. Notice of Proposed Nominees - The President shall cause a list of the proposed nominees selected by the Nominating Committee to be forwarded to the Participants of the Service, setting forth the time, place, and other pertinent conditions of the election to select the final list of nominees by a vote of the Participants of the Service
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2024 GAAR/SWMLS Board of Directors Interest Form
Important Dates:
- Monday, August 28 at 4:00 pm: Deadline to submit GAAR/SWMLS Board of Directors Interest Forms
- Thursday, August 31 at 4:00 pm: Deadline for vetted nominees to submit the Board of Directors Candidate Questionnaire
- Tuesday, September 6 - Thursday, October 5: Board of Directors Candidate Questionnaires available online for member viewing
- Thursday, September 14 from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm: Candidate Meet & Greet at the GAAR Event Center
- Monday, October 9 - Saturday, October 14: Online member voting
- Wednesday, November 29 & Thursday, November 30: Election Winners attend the Board of Directors Meeting
- December 6: Inauguration at the GAAR/SWMLS Annual Meeting