You're invited to a very special Affiliate After Hour Mixer
For this After Hour Mixer, GAAR Affiliates and the Albueruque Journal have invited ABQ's larger real estate community to join us for our biggest After Hour Mixer yet!
Join the members and staff of GAAR, CARNM, HBACNM and the Albuquerque Journal at the Albuquerque Journal Building for food, drinks, beer/wine and great company.
The event is sponsored by the Albuquerque Journal in celebration of the launch of "HomeStyle" and will be held in their amazing lobby and Rose Garden!
Bring your friends and co-workers!
The GAAR Affiliate After Hour Mixer takes place the 2nd Thursday of every month from 5 pm - 7(ish) - only the location changes. Check out photos from a past Affliate After Hours Mixer.
Our Sponsor
Beer and Wine Courtesy of