There are thousands of properties throughout Albuquerque that are eligible for a free zoning conversion from the City of Albuquerque.
This free process is available to property owners until May 2019 to convert zoning to better match existing land uses and address other issues remaining after the initial IDO zoning conversion. Zoning is important because it establishes how you can use and develop your property in the future.
On Wednesday, March 6th, Senior Planner Carrie Barkhurst will cover the following:
- What is the city’s voluntary zone conversion process?
- Why would I want to participate (or want my client to participate)?
- How can I find out if a property qualifies?
- What is the process to get a voluntary zone conversion?
- What are the consequences if a property qualifies but doesn’t participate?
Zoning Conversion Process
Date: Wednesday, March 6th
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Location: GAAR REALTOR® Building
Special Guest: Carrie Barkhurst, Long Range Senior Planner, Urban Design & Development Division
Cost: Free
Visit the Eligible Properties Map
Post-IDO Voluntary Zone Conversion Process
For more information call or visit:
- 505-924-3860 (request a Long Range staff member)
- Planning Department, Plaza del Sol, 3rd Floor, 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102 (Friday afternoons from 2-4 pm)