Please take a moment to learn about recent changes to the Electric Detail field for Residential and Residential Income listings at SWMLS.
Green Energy Electric is now a required field and when making a status or price change to an Active or Pending listing Flex will prompt you to choose an option. You can select the option for NONE or Other-See Remarks if there are no applicable Green Energy Electric details to disclose.
What is Green Energy Electric?
Formally known as Electric, this new Detail field is now asking to select any applicable Electric features that are considered “green” or “energy conserving”. The choices are Net Meter, None, Photovoltaic Third-Party Owned, Photovoltaic Seller Owned, Wind Turbine Third-Party Owned, and Wind Turbine Seller Owned. If the property for sale contains a Wind or Solar PV system use the Green Energy Electric detail field to identify the ownership type of that Wind or Solar PV system.
Your Residential or Res income listing could have been affected by this change
If you currently have an Active Residential or Residential Income listing it is recommended that you review your listing for accuracy, and if necessary make sure that your listing has the appropriate Green Energy Electric details selected. You will be prompted by FLEX to make a selection for Green Energy Electric on any Residential or Residential Income listing that was entered prior to February 19, 2020, and will be prompted when you change the status to Closed or make any changes to the listing information.
What happened to the old Electric choices like 220 Volts, 100 Amp Service, Circuit Breakers, and Generator?
These fields are no longer available for selection in the new Green Energy Electric list. If you feel that the older choices for Electric are still worth mentioning on the listing please use the Remarks section of the listing to mention if the property includes electrical sources like a generator or 220 Volt connections.
These changes were done to better improve the accuracy of the information in the SWMLS database and to better identify the type ownership for a solar photovoltaic system or wind generating system.
Please contact the SWMLS Help desk if you have any questions about the new changes or need assistance with revising your listing. The Help desk can be reached at 505-843-8833 or mls@gaar.com.