GAAR is pleased to recognize REALTOR® Lisa Godin as a Good Neighbor recipient in 2019. Good Neighbors are REALTORS® or Affiliates that dedicate themselves to volunteer service. They donate gifts, money, and – most importantly – a lot of time to their charity.
The Good Neighbor program not only recognizes individuals and their charities for their good works but also helps the public understand the positive impact that REALTORS® have on our community.
Good Neighbor Award Nominations for 2020 will open September 1st to October 31st, 2020.
About New Mexico Dream Center
Lisa was recognized for her work with the Harbour Project at the New Mexico Dream Center, a non-profit committed to fighting human trafficking and providing services to its young survivors in New Mexico.
It is estimated that 5,000 homeless youth exist in the Albuquerque Metro Area and 20% will become victims of human trafficking. The New Mexico Dream Center is working to achieve three specific goals:
1. Open a transitional living facility for youth who have survived Human Trafficking. This ten bed facility would provide long term care and a place where survivors can rewrite their story.
2. Hiring staff to provide community education and outreach to give parents, teachers, mental health professionals, law enforcement, and community members training to help identify and rescue victims of Human Trafficking.
3. Fill the gaps in service for youth who are at risk for homelessness and sex trafficking. Establish a program that will provide brief therapy for youth on wait lists for services including case management, therapeutic groups, and a four-day youth retreat to provide at-risk youth with the best chance of succeeding.
Ways to help:
- Donate Items
- Lightly worn young adult clothing
- Sleeping bags
- Hygiene products
- Make a Monetary Donation
- Volunteer
Contact New Mexico Dream Center

GAAR Good Neighbor Recipients for 2019 appear in the August issue of Albuquerque The Magazine.