In New Mexico, 1 in 10 children will experience the death of a parent or sibling before they reach 18. Unaddressed grief is likely to result in negative outcomes in a child’s life.
The Children’s Grief Center provides free grief support services for families after the death of a loved one and each year they serve about 700 New Mexicans.
Mark Rickert is a Good Neighbor
REALTOR® Mark Rickert was named a Good Neighbor recipient for his contributions to the Children’s Grief Center of New Mexico. At the age of 15, Mark experienced the death of his mother and understands the feelings of a grieving child.
For the past six years, Mark has volunteered for the Grief Center by serving on the Board of Directors and the Building Committee. In addition, he has raised thousands of dollars and from time to time, pitches in to clean up the grounds of the Grief Center.
Thank you Mark Rickert for being a Good Neighbor!
How You Can Help
- Volunteer: There are many ways for individuals or groups to get involved.
- Donate: Services are free to grieving families due to the support of individuals, foundations, and corporations.
If You Know Someone Who Needs Services
Children's Grief Center
4125 Carlisle Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87107
505-323-0478 / info@childrensgrief.org
Good Neighbors are REALTORS® and Affiliates that dedicate themselves to volunteer service. They donate gifts, money, and – most importantly – a lot of time to their charity.
Each fall, the GAAR Good Neighbor Awards are open to all GAAR members, both REALTOR® and Affiliate, who dedicate themselves to volunteer service. Each year up to four REALTOR® and one Affiliate recipient are selected. Recipients receive a $1,000 grant for their charity and are featured in GAAR's consumer outreach campaign.