The Southwest Multiple Listing Service (SWMLS) has identified several data fields on Residential and Residential-Income listings that are often flagged for invalid data. To ensure your listings are entered with the correct information, check out the list of data fields below.
Lot Acres and Lot SqFt: These two fields are asking for the amount of land included with the home sale. You only need to enter one Lot value and the system will calculate the other Lot value automatically. If the Lot Size is .5 Acres make sure to enter the Lot Acres value as .5. It is a common mistake to enter .5 as the Lot Sqft, which will make the Lot Acres appear as 0. Using the Auto-Populate feature on listing input for Sandoval County listings will provide the Lot Size information automatically for you. Residential attached listings are the only property types that can have a Lot Size exception of 0 Acres, for zero lot line units.
Map Placement: Most of the time the system will automatically map the listing correctly, based on the address being entered. However, you should always verify that the Map Location is correct. Map Placement can be done when editing the address of a listing or by going to the Quick Change menu after the listing is Active.
Room Dimensions: The three required room dimensions that should contain accurate data are MBR, KIT, and MLA. Failure to enter information here will cause the system to display the room dimensions as 0 x 0, which could result in a compliance alert to be sent the next day.
UPC code: A valid UPC code is required for all Residential/Resi Income listings, including new and proposed construction homes. A valid UPC code is needed to ensure that a listing displays the Property History and accurate CDOM information. UPC codes are automatically added to a listing when you use the Auto-Populate feature on the listing input.
Lead Based Paint (LBP) Disclosure: This field should be marked as YES if the home was built PRIOR to 1978. LBP Disclosure listings are also required to have the Lead Based Paint addendum added to the listing within 24 hours.
Follow the tips below to guarantee that your listings contain accurate information:
- Use the MLS Input forms. These are found in FlexMLS by going to Daily Functions>Input Forms.
- Review your listings after input. Spending 3-5 minutes looking at your own listing report can sometimes help you spot errors right away.
- Have SWMLS Staff review your listing. Feel free to contact us after submitting a listing, and we will be happy to review your listing for accuracy.
- Check your email. SWMLS Compliance Alerts for data errors are usually sent within 24 hours of entering a new listing (or editing an existing listing).