Exploring Homebuyer Diversity: A Study of Race and Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Analyzing homebuyer profiles within metropolitan areas requires a thorough examination of specific and localized data, as the characteristics of homebuyers can vary significantly across different regions. Influential factors include local economic conditions, housing market trends, demographics, and lifestyle preferences.
To address this, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) has developed homebuyer profiles for each metropolitan area and racial/ethnic group. Leveraging data from the American Community Survey's Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files, released annually and containing individual response information on population and housing units, NAR focused on homeowners who moved into their homes within the last year. This approach allows us to pinpoint characteristics of homebuyers and their homes at a local level.
The reports for the year 2023 provide comprehensive insights into the demographics and housing characteristics of purchased homes. These reports aim to answer questions about the typical homebuyer in each metropolitan area and shed light on the types of homes they typically purchase.
Given the disparity in homeownership rates among minority groups, NAR also offers data on recent homebuyers categorized by racial/ethnic groups. This information aims to provide insights into the factors influencing homeownership trends and better understand the dynamics contributing to the disparities among different demographic groups at local level.
This NAR statistical resource includes data for multiple cities in New Mexico, including Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Farmington, and Las Cruces. View the Tableau Data here.