WASHINGTON (November 6, 2021) – National Association of Realtors® President Charlie Oppler issued the following statement after final passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill:
"NAR is encouraged by the bipartisan support for the infrastructure bill. We supported many elements of this legislation, including significant investment in the power grid, managing climate risks, and repairing and replacing aging roads, bridges, ports, airports, and railways. These improvements will make communities more resilient and sustainable.
"We also commend Congress for including a historic $65 billion investment in broadband. Our country has a dire need for broadband expansion, and NAR has long championed this cause. This new funding will ensure all communities have affordable access to a world-class communications infrastructure and provide opportunities to rural, underserved, and low-income areas.
"While this bill contains critical investments in America, we continue to have concerns over the use of guarantee fees charged by GSEs as a funding source. The nation faces critical challenges as Americans struggle to meet their mortgage obligations, find affordable housing amidst a supply shortage, and confront a widening homeownership gap among racial groups. We look forward to working with Congress and the administration to ensure this redirected money does not diminish the vital GSE mission to provide affordable housing and equal access to credit in America."
Source: "NAR Statement on the Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill"