By Juliana Vadnais, Digital Producer for Albuquerque Business First:
New Mexico has the highest child poverty rate in the United States, according to a new report released by Albuquerque-based child-welfare organization New Mexico Voices for Children.
The annual Kids Count data book, by the Annie E. Casey Foundation and brought to New Mexico by NM Voices, showed little change from last year, when New Mexico ranked 49th. Overall, the state's ranking was unchanged, although there were changes among the categorical indicators.
In the economic well-being category, New Mexico ranks 48th nationally, moving up one spot since 2014 and 2013 when the state ranked 49th. New Mexico's child poverty level actually decreased slightly — from 31 percent in 2013 to 30 percent in 2014 — but still worst in the U.S.
“Child poverty is at the root of all of New Mexico’s poor outcomes for children,” Kids Count director of New Mexico Voices for Children Amber Wallin said in a statement. “We will not make significant gains in educational outcomes and economic well-being until we make addressing child poverty our top priority.”
In education, New Mexico ranks 49th nationally, unchanged since 2012. In the health category, New Mexico ranks 48th, up from 49th every year previously. Children without health insurance increased this year, with 9 percent of New Mexico's children lacking health insurance. Child and teen death rates improved, though, from 36th place nationwide in 2012 to 28th place in 2013.
In the family and community category, New Mexico ranks 49th, unchanged since 2012. The number of children living in high-poverty areas continues to worsen. Between 2009 and 2013, 24 percent of children live in high-poverty areas.
NM Voices recommends a two-generation approach to child poverty that will fund programs that help parents improve their educational and economic lot as well as funding programs that address children's needs. The 2015 New Mexico legislative session begins today where some lawmakers and groups will put education and child-being at the top of their priorities. Click here to read the full article and report.