The Real Estate Commission and the Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS® have signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at expediting licensing transactions, especially license transfers.
Commission President Gretchen Koether said she hopes the memorandum will serve as a template for similar agreements with local boards and associations around the state.
She said that although on-line license renewals have also been problematic, most of those problems are related to outdated software over which the Commission has little control. License transfers were chosen as a focus for the agreement because they are an area in which improvements can be made quickly.
The memorandum signed in late September by GAAR Executive Vice President Kent Cravens and Commission Executive Secretary Wayne Ciddio says: “The Commission and GAAR agree that it is in the best interests of both organizations that broker’s license applications, upgrades, transfers, and renewals be accomplished in a timely, efficient, and accurate manner".
“The licensing transactions that are the most numerous and that create the highest potential for delay are those transactions in which associate brokers are transferring their licenses to different brokerages and affiliating with different qualifying brokers".
“The goal of both organizations is that such transfers become effective on the date that complete and correct license transfer applications are delivered to the NMREC office".
To accomplish this goal, GAAR agrees to accept as confirmation of license transfer a photocopy or a photograph of the entire License Transfer Application form date-stamped and initialed by Commission Secretary-Receptionist Debra Gallegos, Licensing Manager Roxanne Romo, Licensing Administrator Brittany Dominguez, or Administrative Secretary Germelyn “Gie” Vivar.
Prior to the memorandum, license transfers, although from the Commission’s standpoint official on the date they are date-stamped, were not regarded as official for GAAR purposes until they appeared on the Commission web site.
Although the agreement with GAAR is easier to implement because of the proximity of the GAAR and Commission offices, the Commission said the memorandum is also an acknowledgment that both organizations serve the same customers.
The memorandum concluded by stating: “The Commission and GAAR agree to maintain open lines of communication between their licensing staffs, learn each other’s policies and procedures for processing license transactions, and make every effort to work collaboratively to improve their processes”.