NMREC + Legislative Session Update on Wednesday, February 5th

Register to attend the First Wednesday Member Forum when Kurstin Johnson, NMREC Commissioner will share an update on changes for this upcoming year. Kent Cravens will follow with a summary of what's taking place at the Roundhouse during the 2020 Legislative Session. Presented by the LEAP Committee.

First Wednesday Member Forum
Updates from the NMREC / Legislative Session

Date:  Wednesday, February 5th
   8:30 am – 9:00 am:  Breakfast 
   9:00 am – 10:00 am:  NMREC Update, Kurstin Johnson, NMREC
   10:00 am - 10:30 am:  Legislative Session Update, Kent Cravens
Location:  GAAR REALTOR® Building
Cost:  Free