The Supra Lockbox Library Plan has a hoarder problem...and the GAAR Board of Directors has had to make a policy change to address it.
The policy change was necessary so GAAR does not have to purchase more lockboxes before the True-Up period in September.
Starting June 1st, lockboxes signed out from the Supra 2.0 Library must be assigned to a listing within fourteen (14) days. If the excess, unnassigned lockboxes are not returned after 2 weeks, authorized users will be invoiced $150 each.*
As soon as the excess lockbox(es) are returned to GAAR, your $150 invoice will be reversed immediately.
Click here to read the full, revised Supra Lockbox Policy.
* If excess, unassigned lockboxes are not returned or paid for, the authorized user shall be subject to suspension in accordance to GAAR’s collection policy. Any refund of remaining SWMLS fees will not be issued to the authorized user until all assigned lockboxes are returned to GAAR. Excess lockboxes is defined as lockboxes that are unassigned and in "excess" of the 30% allowance.