Yesterday’s Phone-A-Friend Beach Party increased GAAR's RPAC participation level to 24.8% – and the investors and investments are still coming!
Prior to GAAR's first Phone-A-Friend, only 625 GAAR members invested in the REALTOR® Party.
With the help of NAR phone bank trainer Ronda Tompers and RANM's phone bank expert Tim Buck, the GAAR and SWMLS Board of Directors and several spirited REALTORS® made close to 600 phone calls adding 125 new investors to RPAC. That means GAAR's RPAC "advocates" were able to increase our particpation level by almost 4% in just over 2 hours!
We only need 400 more investors to reach our goal!
Why should you invest?
The REALTOR® Party works for you! It is a non-partisan political action committee that advocates for a stronger real estate industry and protects private property and homeownership rights.
Keep an eye out for the next Phone-A-Friend event where you can help "fun"-draise for your future.