Keep safety awareness top-of-mind with these weekly tips and monthly articles, regular presentations, promotion of NAR's new safety webinars, posting the artwork on your site, and much more.
Step 1: Plan Your REALTOR® Safety Strategy
Use the information and materials from this site to develop a strategy for your association or office, or incorporate them into your current programs.
The training (see presentation section) is designed so that you can present all the information in a single session, or divide it into the following segments:
- Safety at the office
- Safety with clients
- Safety at home
Some associations have found the following formats very effective for ongoing safety awareness efforts:
- A three-hour training session* — Plan an organization-wide training session. Use all or a combination of the presentation materials located on the presentation page.
- Three one-hour-long trainings* — Schedule three quarterly, shorter training sessions on different days, and cover each part separately. The presentation is broken out by section for you to easily present one topic at a time.
- Independent study — All materials, including the video, can be accessed on these pages and used by individual REALTORS® throughout the year.
- Add the banner art and widget to your website and link to www.REALTOR.org/Safety — You can adopt the video, presentation and other tools into a new REALTOR® orientation session or sales meeting. And consider adding a regular REALTOR® Safety column in your newsletter—it's easy with the monthly articles provided below. You can also post the weekly safety tips in your e-newsletter (also below).
*Session time will vary depending on the size of your audience and amount of audience interaction.
And to help you keep the focus on safety sharp, NAR will be sending regular updates directing you online for new materials and ideas.
Step 2: Prepare the Presentation
Once you've decided which time frame you'll use for presentations, take these steps to get ready:
- Go to the presentation page to find all the materials you need for a comprehensive REALTOR® Safety training course.
- Select the training schedule that works best for your association or office, and adjust it to the amount of time you have allotted for the presentation.
- Choose the format for your training. You can incorporate the video with or without interactive quizzes, and/or the PowerPoint presentation.
- Use the REALTOR® Safety Presentation Guidelines to prepare for each presentation.
- Consider getting copies of the REALTOR® Safety Tips Card, or safety-specific publications from NAR. Visit www.REALTOR.org/Store to purchase.
Step 3: Make a Year-Round Commitment to Safety
Use the wealth of promotional materials to encourage ongoing awareness of REALTOR® Safety.
Tools You Can Use Today
- Put the office safety tools to work in your office, including customizable forms and a ready-to-use Action Plan Worksheet.
- Post the REALTOR® Safety widget on your site – Remind REALTORS® that safety precautions should be observed every day, all day.
Personal Safety Products
- Hand out copies of the handy wallet tip card. Purchase at www.REALTOR.org/Storeor call 1-800-874-6500 (Select option 1).
- A variety of safety-related products, including a button key-light and mini LED flashlight are available for purchase and customization through the REALTOR Team Store®. Visit www.RealtorTeamStore.com to order.
Ready-to-Use Safety Messages
- Customize and distribute the 12 safety articles every month by email or print, or post them on your website for year-round access.
- Share weekly safety tips with members using the 52 tips, scheduled with suggested distribution dates, making it easy to email or print one tip every week.
- Customize REALTOR® Safety Initiative artwork and use it for your publications, mailings, meeting materials and website.
Invest in Ongoing Safety Education
NAR plans to provide information and education to you and its members throughout the year to help keep REALTOR® Safety top-of-mind.
Updated REALTOR® Safety Website
Check this site regularly for new information and materials. NAR plans to update in conjunction with the quarterly mailings — so check your in-box.
Safety Webinars
NAR is scheduling new webinars on REALTOR® Safety throughout the year, presented by safety experts.