The Good Neighbor Program recognizes members who dedicate themselves to volunteer service through their gifts, money, and time.
REALTOR® Sam Sandoval was awarded the GAAR Good Neighbor Award for his support of the New Mexico Dream Center whose mission is to end human trafficking through a strategic approach to address human trafficking through prevention activities, outreach to victims, services for survivors, and a support system for clients in their self-determination.
Ways You CanTake Action
Are You A Good Neighbor?
Every October, the GAAR Good Neighbor Awards are open to all GAAR members, both REALTOR® and Affiliates with up to five recipients selected to receive a $1,000 grant for their charity and are then featured in GAAR's consumer outreach campaign. The grants provided to each recipient's charity are paid for by the REALTOR® Fund.
Attend the 2023 Annual Meeting on December 6th when we announce five new Good Neighbor Recipients.