This Tuesday, both residential and commercial REALTORS® gathered together for CABQ's special Smart Growth presentation on the ABC-Z Comprehensive and ABQ's new Sector Plans.
Written comments are only being accepted through 1 PM Tuesday, August 2nd. After Tuesday, comments will be accepted during public hearings. That means REALTORS® need to act fast!
What actions can you take?
- Click on this link to the sector plan and review the Albuquerque Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO) to learn more about the new Zone Districts, Permitted Uses, and Development Standards.
- Check out your neighborhood (or the neighborhoods you specialize in) on the IDO Zoning Conversion Map.
If you see anything questionable in the IDO Modules 1 & 2 or in the Conversion Map, you can submit your comments in writing directly by email to ABCtoZ@cabq.gov with the subject line: “Official EPC Comments on the ABC Comp Plan” (please address comments to Chair Karen Hudson) or, if you prefer, you can send it through GAAR.
- Gain a better understanding of Albuquerque / Bernalillo County's plan for growth by reviewing the ABC-Z Comprehensive Plan.
- Share this information with neighbors, clients and neighborhood associations that can also help review and comment on the plan.
- Sign up to be included in Smart Growth / ABC-Z WorkGroup Discussions through Basecamp by emailing your interest to Eva Medcroft at eva@gaar.com.
As a REALTOR®, it is important that you not only know the plans for our community, but have a voice in developing that plan. By working together, you can help develop a better future for Albuquerque.