To increase REALTOR® participation and influence in the political process, GAAR has launched a voter registration drive among our members.
While nearly 80 percent of all REALTORS® are registered to vote, we can do better.
If you know that you ARE NOT REGISTERED, and would like to REGISTER TO VOTE, it has never been easier. Just go to the State of New Mexico's online voter registration and register. It’s that simple.
To participate in this November's General Election, you must register -or change your registration – by October 11th.
If you ARE REGISTERED to vote, congratulations!
Early voting starts on October 11th and goes through Saturday, November 5th. The Election Day is on Tuesday, November 8th.
For an excellent nonpartisan local election resource, download The League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico Voter's Guide.
It contains valuable information like:
- Local candidate bio's and information on the office they are seeking.
- Pros and cons about ballot questions in plain English – and Spanish.
- Details on absentee voting.
- Dates and times for early voting by location.
- Information about Election Day.
You can also learn more by attending the NMBC's Pre-Election Bash at 4:30 pm on October 28th here at GAAR. Click here to learn more.