There are a variety of documents and helpful website links available throughout the GAAR website and FLEXMLS system. These tools can save you time when trying to locate the Gross Receipts Tax Code or want to know more about MLS photo rules. Since these resources are not in one single location it is important to know their location so when you need it, you can find it!
Take a moment to learn about all the MLS resources available to SWMLS Real Estate Professionals, and where to find them.
FLEX (MLS Intranet)
MLS Intranet is found in the FLEX Menu by going to Menu>Daily Functions>MLS Intranet. It is the online document library for all SWMLS resources.
- Listing Agreement Addendum: Used to transfer a listing to a new office, extend the expiration date, other status changes.
- MLS Area Maps: These are printable versions of the SWMLS Areas for Bernalillo County, Sandoval County, Torrance County, Valencia County, and the East Mountain.
- GAAR and SWMLS Rules
- SWMLS BOD Meeting Minutes
- HUD Fair Housing Watch Word List
- List of MLS Abbreviations
- .And more…
FLEX (MLS DashBoard)
When you change your MLS Dashboard from Home to MLS you will see a dedicated page of SWMLS resources that include our Daily Message Board, What’s new in FLEXMLS, Direct Links to the County Assessor Website, and Quick Access to ShowingTime. You can change between the Home and MLS Dashboards by clicking the Blue Button on the top left section of your FLEX account.
The general rule of thumb for PID documents and a real estate transaction in New Mexico is that if the home is located in a PID, these documents must be provided to the buyer BEFORE a seller can accept an offer.
GAAR (PID Information)
The Greater Albuquerque Association website maintains a dedicated PID resource website. This page contains information about all the current PID locations in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho. The Notice of Information forms are updated on a regular basis and can save time on completing disclosure requirements on transactions you may do in these subdivisions.
FLEX (Links found in the Input forms)
On the actual Input forms of a new FLEX listing you might notice that there are Questions Marks or blue Web Links include next to certain data fields and menu selections These helpful ‘?’ and links are placed there strategically to help listing agents look up the information “on the fly.”, when you need it.
Coming Soon Status: This link will take you to a blog that explains the Coming Soon Status and how to correctly set the start and end dates for Coming Soon.
Age: Clicking on the Question Mark icon for the AGE field will bring up a pop-up window with a built-in Age Calculator.This makes it super quick to determine the Age Range for any Year Built, including New Construction.
FLEX (Mortgage Payment and Closing Cost Calculators)
The built-in FlexMLS calculators are found in the FLEX Menu by going to Menu>Daily Functions>Calculators. This is where you can calculate and share reports for mortgage payment interest or estimated proceeds for a sale.
FLEX (Map Overlays)
The Map Overlays found in the FlexMLS Quick Search screen are great for quickly looking up the APS School District, MLS Area, Zone Atlas, Gross Receipts Tax Boundary, Zoning Codes, and more. To learn more about the FLEX Map Overlays and the power of the Nosy Neighbor tool we recommend signing up for an upcoming class. Map Overlays and Searching classes are offered several times a year. Call us today to see when the next one is.
Popular Links to Bookmark
Here is a brief list of frequently used website links that MLS staff and REALTORS often use for looking up specific information about a property's Zoning Code, PID Boundary location, and Zone Atlas. Feel free to bookmark these websites in your mobile or desktop browsers.
IDO Zoning Lookup , directs to the Albuquerque interactive map where you can look-up the ABQ IDO Zoning code by address.
GRT Boundary Lookup, directs to the NM Tax and Revenue website where you can use their Tax Rate Map to look-up the GRT Boundary Code by address.
Albuquerque GIS Address Search – www.cabq.gov/gis , allows you to search any Albuquerque address to get a summary of Zoning, Tax, Community, and School information for your next listing.
SWMLS Home Page (Currently Under Construction), the future website of the SWMLS Home Page which will have a rich library of resources, training videos, in an "all-in-one' place to save you time when you need information.