RPR Webinar: Mastering Market Trends with AI

Emails, texts, social media posts… managing it all can feel overwhelming! But in today’s competitive real estate world, keeping your clients informed and building a growing client base is essential—and artificial intelligence is here to help.

This must-watch webinar will show you how to effortlessly leverage RPR’s Market Trends ScriptWriter and other tools to stay connected with your sphere of influence. Whether you’re crafting market summaries, creating eye-catching social media posts, or tailoring messages for buyers and sellers, this webinar will empower you to become the go-to local market expert. You’ll also learn how to use Canva for stunning graphics and share Market Trends directly from the RPR Mobile™ App.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to streamline your marketing and elevate your expertise with the power of AI!

Live Webinar or On Demand